


Monday 28 March 2011

理财观念“对对碰” 内地概念受热捧



























明星入市炒股早已经不是什么新鲜事,去年华谊兄弟[26.97 -0.74% 股吧]上市,让旗下明星纷纷一夜暴富。余秋雨、陈好、张羽、郭冬临、冯小刚、马云、李冰冰、黄晓明、邓婕、姚明、黄圣依、徐帆……一串串熟悉的名字,备受关注。

在股市里,“郭冬临”已经是小有名气的股神,以潜伏题材股出名。时代科技[7.61 1.87% 股吧]2009年年报中,新晋自然人股东“郭冬临”持有95.06万股,市值约632万元,名列十大流通股股东。中电广通[8.87 0.34% 股吧]2009年三季报显示,第二大流通股股东为“郭冬临”,持有275.14万股。而在此前,“郭冬临”已成功地从另两家上市公司“盾安环境[33.09 -1.43% 股吧]”和“北方天鸟”里获利出逃。

中国卫星[24.48 -0.49% 股吧]导航领域的龙头——北京合众思壮[46.75 0.11% 股吧]科技股份有限公司上市,篮球明星姚明投资的近70万股。

上市公司浙江东方[9.23 0.44% 股吧]公布的季报显示,该股的第三、第四大流通股股东分别为徐帆和邓婕。徐帆持有174.17万股,第四大流通股东邓婕持146.13万股。







Sunday 27 March 2011


本报讯(文/表 记者 刘新宇)昨日,记者从中国连锁经营协会“2011年度中国特许经营投资景气调查”的结果中了解到,在今年最具成长性的前10位中,网上购物排名第二,上升幅度最大。







赢隆资产 研究总监 郭筹伟


上证指数[2977.81 1.06%]在3000点面临前期成交密集区,有技术性调整的需要,但日本地震加剧了调整的速度,造成股市过分暴跌。”


除机械、电子设备及零配件行业受日本地震影响较大外,由于受日本核电站泄漏的影响,中国一重[5.72 -0.17% 股吧]东方电气[28.56 0.71% 股吧]中核科技[32.24 -0.49% 股吧]等核发电概念也纷纷下跌。



警惕银行四大理财陷阱:钓鱼网站 收益夸海口

陷阱一 钓鱼网站

陷阱二 收益夸海口

陷阱三 强行平仓

陷阱四 违规销售
近日,一外资银行的“利财通1号”被曝出巨亏60%,其销售人员欺瞒投资者,承诺保本和高收益。销售人员还私自篡改了投资者的风险评估报告,风险承受能力由中级改为高级。该产品的广告内容是紧跟“港股直通车”,事实上“港股直通车”根本未获批准。同时,广告中未曾披露该产品存在本金损失风险这一重要特征。 (晓甜 整理)

地震冲击保险业行规 如何投保才能保地震


中国平安[50.51 1.00% 股吧]上海分公司相关负责人表示,需要仔细甄别保单免责条款,并不是所有的寿险产品都能为地震提供保障。例如部分人身意外保险,只承诺对被保险人在乘坐交通工具或户外运动,以及从事其他行为时,遭受意外事故或伤亡,进行赔偿,而地震、海啸、洪水等自然灾害造成被保险人伤亡则属于免责条款。


许多投保者在购买保险的时候,往往会凭借自己的理解,认为只要是对于自然灾害的保险,就一定可以保“地震”,事实上并非如此。一般来说,家庭财产保险通常不赔地震这种不可抗的自然灾害。家财险对“自然灾害”有严格界定,“地震”和“海啸”被排除在赔偿范围之外。太平洋[11.80 0.60% 股吧]财险销售代表告诉记者,普通家财险的附加险有盗抢、水管破裂、家用电器安全等,地震不包含在责任范围之内主要因为,由于地震的涉及面和赔偿金额超过保险公司的理赔能力,因此全国统一规定,作为特定的自然现象,将其作除外责任处理,即因地震造成的财产损失,保险公司将不予理赔。





男人爱冒险 女人重安全

男人看长期 女人重短期

男人为获利 女人为保本

男人多镇定 女人多担心

男人常怪罪 女人常自责

男人多自信 女人多请教

wah..... 根本就是完全的反反向嘛,~~"



















杜跃平 上海杜跃平律师事务所


1、 商业广告,是不是要约?开发商具体确定内容的楼书,是不是要约?



2、 消费者在与经营者订立格式条款时,要注意哪些问题?如何应对个别开发商的“霸王条款”?







银行卡莫名“飞”来 36万存款

银行卡莫名“飞”来 36万存款



本报3月24日热线消息 (记者 马峰 王璐 李晖)“天上真是掉馅饼了!”3月22日,苍山县的王先生突然收到一条银行发来的短信,他的银行卡突然多出36万元钱。
































笔者出生自银行世家,祖父程慕灏(1898年~1991年)29岁起出任上海中国银行[3.35 1.82% 股吧]副行长,直至80岁从香港中国银行副行长职位上退休任顾问,是中行史上唯一一位跨新旧时代的高层管理。他是笃信“若要小囡好,常带三分饥和寒”的。他对后辈的教育是3S:Saving(储蓄)、Spending(消费)和Sharing(分享)。他坚决反对当时很时兴的置地造楼,以保证后代躺在收租上悠闲一世的。








    兔子问树上的鸟:为什么你可以整天什么事情都不做,就在那唱歌呢?而我却要整天跑来跑去的? 鸟说:你也可以啊!于是兔子也就不跑来跑去的,在树下发呆,结果过来一只狼,把兔子吃掉了。





    孔子的一位学生在煮粥时,发现有肮脏的东西掉进锅里去了。他连忙用汤匙把 它捞起来,正想把它倒掉时,忽然想到,一粥一饭都来之不易埃于是便把它吃了。刚巧孔子走进厨房,以为他在偷食,便教训了那位负责煮食的同学。经过解释,大才恍然大悟。孔子很感慨的说:我亲眼看见的事情也不确实,何况是道听途听呢?






网购桌子四百元 退换运费八百元

“网上买来的桌子有色差,大小也有问题,结果要换货得自己承担运费,一来一回至少800元,光运费就能买两台新桌子了! ”日前市民艾先生在网上订购了一张电脑桌,没想到收到货后却与网上介绍大不相同,想退货却必须承担来回高额运费。

“以后真不敢在网上买这些东西了。”市民艾先生日前在网上花400余元购买了一套可折叠式的电脑桌,东西收到后,艾先生发现桌子的尺寸和颜色都与网上描述的不同:“网上说的是展开后120厘米,实际是127厘米,这样我原本要放的地方完全卡不进去,而且颜色也不对。 ”

与卖家多次沟通后,对方终于答应换货。然而艾先生接连联系了好几家快递公司,运送这种体积和重量都较大的物品价格十分昂贵,单程就需400元,一来一回要花费800元。艾先生难以接受,“明明是卖家的问题,为何由我承担所有损失? ”

“哪有把家具分拆之后用一层薄薄的卡纸包装起来伪装成普通物品的道理?这样运输绝对出问题。 ”市民罗先生曾在网上购买了一张椅子,收到时椅子腿都断了,可要退货却几乎没有快递公司肯接手,送到一家物流公司,高昂的价格让罗先生难以接受。


“家具毕竟跟普通商品运输有区别。 ”运输行业人士向记者介绍,一般家具等大件商品通过物流运送,除海绵、泡沫等包装外,还会外装木框,保证边角不受损伤,一般快递很难做到。而物流较多的是面向企业用户,个人通过物流方式运输物品价格相对较高。

有业内人士表示,家具这样的大件商品最好还是在实体店内购买,相对有保障:“实体店内不仅可以送货上门,开具发票,关键是尺寸大小、使用材料和味道都不能骗人,遇上质量问题退换货都很方便,而网上购买家具看似价格相对较低,一旦出了问题,‘隐性成本’立即显现出来。 ”




团购参与人数越多,用户会认为此次团购相对更具有吸引力。因此,购买人数在很大程度上影响了消费者的购买决定。针对这个问题,糯米网已经在网站上做出承诺:糯米网之前没有,今后也绝对不会对网站上出现的任何购买数据进行人为篡改,从而坚决杜绝误导消费者购买判断的情况出现。而在购买之后,糯米网给予用户“7天内未消费无条件退款”保证,用户在购买糯米券后的7天之内可以无理由申请退款,直接通过糯米账户自行操作,即可实现退还到糯米账户或者支付卡原路返还,免去了拨打电话、与客服交涉的麻烦。在消费体验阶段,根据糯米网之前推出的“消费不满意先行赔付”这一给力的权益保障服务,用户对商家提供的服务出现纠纷或者有任何不满,都可以找到网站来寻求先行赔付,其潜在风险将由糯米网承担。最后,如果用户出现忘记消费或者由于种种原因导致糯米券过期的情况,糯米网在最新公布的升级条款中明确表明,用户即日起可在自己的糯米网账户中找到已过期还未消费的糯米券,进行自助退款, 只需轻点鼠标,相关退款会即刻到账,无需任何手续费。






















能让人感到愉悦的工作才能给人幸福感。 新华社


不少人把理想薪水放在找工的第一位。 新华社发



对于一个正在找工的大学生,最大的幸福是什么?职业幸福感来自什么?本报记者在招聘会上与数位求职学生对话“幸福”,探寻大学生的职业幸福感。 记者 邓仲谋 通讯员 龙晓庆





“我生活在一个‘君主立宪制’的家庭,表面上自己拿主意,而实际上,这个主意还需要得到家庭成员的同意。”广东工业大学的侯同学,来自粤北山区,父母一直想让他到国企工作,图个安稳。但在找工的过程中,此路不通。侯同学考了公务员,随后放弃,转而将目光锁定中国移动[70.50 0.57%],可惜与之失之交臂。







Friday 25 March 2011

26 Ways To Make Extra Money While Keeping Your Day Job

Quite often I hear from people who feel trapped in a job and need to figure out a way to make extra money. They hear about how I’ve paid off a lot of debt in a short period of time and they wonder if my income has changed significantly. My answer is, yes, I have used a few unexpected windfalls from different sources AND made extra money to get those debts paid off. Making extra money is the key, especially when paired with lifestyle changes that result in frugal living.

One lifestyle change is to make extra money.

The old phrase “spend less than you earn” is made up of TWO factors: spending and earning. Sure you can reduce your spending by a great deal, but very few people have saved their way to wealth. They have also earned additional income and then put that extra money to work for them. There are many ways to make extra money, but how you make extra money is dependent on your current sources of income. Since your day job usually pays the bills, how can YOU make extra money? Here’s some ideas to help kick start your brain into thinking about how to increase the earning side of the equation. These aren’t considered “passive” income (filling out opinion surveys for cash & rewards does take time), but they can help generate some take-home pay to help reduce your debt and potentially get you some breathing room.

Make Extra Money By:

1. Freelance writing. Have a unique ability to pen the written word? Have a solid grasp of grammar, spelling, and communicating? You could become a freelance writer for newspapers, magazines, or other local periodicals. THAT could help you make extra cash! Don’t be afraid to endure a lot of “No’s” and you’ll eventually get that “Yes” that can give you some instant credibility. You can always build a portfolio by guest posting on blogs or by submitting articles to your local newspaper.
2. Plant maintenance. Just like people need help taking care of pets, they also need help with plants. Make some extra cash by taking care of house plants and even outdoor gardens while people are on vacation. You could also offer to take care of the plants kept in local offices on a long term basis. Don’t forget your mileage tax deduction if you drive your car for your new business!
3. Offer to clean homes during the day or offices at night (depending on your schedule). Add in the houseplant maintenance and you could get a double whammy for your profits! Don’t forget the mileage deduction.
4. Tutor. If you have a college degree, use your downtime to tutor kids in the summer or even over the Internet to make additional income. Drop by the local school system and offer your services to the summer school folks after making sure it’s okay with the school staff, of course.
5. Teach a language. Do you speak another language? Do you speak English? Either way, your skills are in demand and will help you make extra money. People need to learn other languages and non-English speakers need to learn English. Most people prefer to learn a conversational style rather than just conjugate verbs around the dinner table. Who knew just talking and having a conversation could result in earning additional income?
6. Internet research. Really know your way around the Internet? Offer your skills in research to local businesses. You may have to do a few freebies to get your foot in the door, but this could be a tax deduction as a startup cost in your quest to generate extra money.
7. Iron clothes. People are busy and if you offer to iron their clothes and pick up/drop off at their office, you would set yourself apart from the cleaners. Make even more money by offering the service mentioned in #24.
8. Run errands. The last time I checked, the IRS rate for mileage was 50 cents per mile. By offering to run errands for people (dry cleaning, drugstore, grocery store, post office, etc), you could earn extra money for your time while reducing your taxable income from mileage.
9. Substitute teach at your kid’s school. My wife does this quite often. Teachers have doctors and dentist appointments just like everyone else. Their children get sick and they have to take care of them. When these events happen, the school needs a substitute teacher. Check with several schools (don’t forget the private schools) to see what requirements they place on subs and how much extra income you could earn.
10. If you liked #9, could you offer to teach at your local community college? One or two courses at night or on the weekends could make you a little extra cash.
11. Do you have a unique skill or ability? Have you EVER heard someone say to you, “I wish I knew how to do that.” The “that” could be building decks, arranging flowers, baking pies, playing the piano, canning food, making jewelry, framing pictures, or raising roses. People will pay to be taught. They will pay even more if you offer to teach their children. Offer to teach them or their children in their homes and you could earn even more.
12. Become a life coach. Encouraging others to strive for success and live up to their potential is what being a life coach is all about. You can squeeze in appointments on weekends, during your lunch break and in the evenings after work, making it easy to earn extra income while keeping that day job.
13. Become a “green” consultant. Do you know how to make those little lifestyle changes that result in a home using less energy? Offer to evaluate someone’s home and make recommendations to help it become more green. You could offer to change their light bulbs to CFL’s or LED’s, install a programmable thermostat, install ceiling fans, or make other recommendations. You could also sell your services to businesses. I bet this will become a very large industry in the next few years. Some people will make a LOT of extra money!

14. Do you love to garden and use organic methods? Depending on how large your harvest may be, you could offer “in season” locally grown, organic vegetables and fresh herbs for sale to a restaurant. Take a basket of your most beautiful vegetables and visit several restaurants. Chefs are always interested in getting the best, the freshest food for their patrons. You could pick them, wash them, and deliver them within the hour. You can’t get much more fresh than that!

15. Know your antiques?
Spend your weekends scouting those garage sales, thrift stores, estate auctions, and flea markets to score old treasures on the cheap. Do some research to discover the real value of your finds and spend your next lunch hour auctioning it on eBay.

16. Set up computers,
home theater systems, or wireless networking systems for the technologically challenged. Even though technology is a constant presence in our everyday lives, some people just can’t seem to get the hang of it. You can offer to come in and help those with new gadgets get them set up, install new programs, organize the spaghetti mess of cables, and make sure everything is plugged in correctly.

17. A year or so after you’ve set up those computers, offer to help clean and speed up computers
that may have been infected with viruses, malware and spyware. You know it’s going to happen and someone will get paid to clean those systems.

18. If you’re really on the technology band wagon, you could offer to help people change the formats of their media.
Changing VHS videos to DVDs, scanning old photos, moving CDs to MP3s, or other format changes can make you some additional income.

19. Get paid to shop.
There are several companies that hire people to perform a mystery shop and report their experiences. Make sure you’re fair and that you understand the way each company goes to market.

20. Are you a genealogy buff?
People love to know their family histories, but don’t have time to do the research. You can offer your services as a “family researcher” and help clients learn about their roots, learn about your own in the process, and generate extra income.
21. Can you bake? Making and decorating cakes can allow you to show off our artistic side. You could also offer to bake pastries and other goodies for local coffee shops, a local deli, or even sell them in local office breakrooms.

22. Make jams and jellies.
If you listened to your grandma and learned to can and preserve food the old fashioned way, a quick trip to the farmer’s market could result in you making a big batch of peach preserves, blackberry jelly, or strawberry jam. Then you could sell it for a profit at a local market or over the Internet.
23. Babysit. There are actually several ways to go here. You don’t have to only offer to babysit for young parents looking to get a few hours break and attend a business function, though that is a possibility. What if you offered to keep kids all night long for parents who worked third shift? What if you offered to keep kids who were feeling a little sick (nothing major)? Most day care centers won’t accept a child who has a fever or a runny nose, but if you contacted several day care centers for referrals of mildly sick children, you could carve out a profitable market niche for yourself. Make certain you follow all local laws when keeping children.
24. Got a sewing machine? Many local clothing stores, particularly upscale stores, men’s suit stores, and even dry cleaners need people with sewing skills. Here’s your chance to show off your skills and make a little extra income.

25. Pet sitter.
Right now I’m looking for a pet sitter for my miniature dachshund. The kennels charge at least $20/day. Could you undercut the kennels, charge $15/day and keep a few pets in your home? If you’re wary, you could always set a weight limit and only keep those little guys (like mine). People need help with hamsters, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and even exotic pets. If you live in an apartment, you could offer to feed, water, and check on pets kept in their homes. Then you could deduct the mileage from your taxes for an additional bonus.
26. Photography. Do you have one of those fancy cameras? Know how to use it? You could potentially start photographing people’s children, their weddings, their anniversaries, or their parties. You could take interesting photographs, post them on the appropriate sites, and then make money every time someone uses your photograph.

Here are a few tips to follow in your quest for extra income.

  • Always get everything in writing.
  • Always consult with a qualified tax adviser for mileage and other potential deductions.
  • Always try to get payment up front.
  • Always ask for referrals from your existing clients.
  • Always follow all local, state, and federal laws, especially when dealing with children.

12 Killer Ways to Make Extra Income On the Web

If the tumbling world economy has you worried, don’t despair: we’ve got your back. The Internet, as you may have heard, is a wonderful place, full of money making opportunities if you know where to look. Our list of 12 ways to make extra cash online will point you in the right direction. None of these ideas will likely net you a full time income on their own — though there are certainly people who have managed to do so with each — but a couple of them in tandem, or in addition to your usual freelance work or day job, can make you some much needed extra cash.
If you know of any others, we’d love to hear your money making tips. Please share them in the comments.

Freelance Projects

Even as companies are laying off workers left and right, that work still need to get done by someone. Often times, companies will turn to freelancers on a per project basis as a way to save money and get things done quickly. Further, for smaller, one-time projects, it doesn’t make sense for many companies to hire a full-time employee, so frequently they will turn to the freelancer marketplace. There are many places to look for freelance jobs, but the large bid-based job boards are a good place to start. eLance, Guru, ScriptLance, and sologig are some of the best known.

Become a Topic Expert provides users with a guided tour of the web’s best sites in a wide range of topical areas. Each area of the site is maintained by a paid guide who is an expert in that area. The job of a guide is one part blogger, one part directory curator, and one part columnist. There are always openings for new guides and compensation starts at $725 per month. Guides are paid based on the amount of traffic they bring in and some make in excess of $100,000 per year.

Moonlight as a Designer

More and more smart companies are turning toward design contests to crowdsource their design work and get professional-quality results more efficiently. For designers, contests offer a steady stream of potential clients and a way to build up their portfolios. The clear market leader in the space is SitePoint’s own sister site 99designs. With almost $3 million in prize money awarded, and hundreds of open projects at any one time, you’ll never lack for work. ReadWriteWeb has a good list of other contest sites for designers to find even more opportunities.

Sell Your Stuff

Becoming an eBay millionaire is far from a piece of cake, but making some extra money in tough economic times is definitely doable. We all have some stuff in the attic that we never use, have outgrown, or just no longer need. Put it up for sale on eBay or Craigslist and make some extra cash. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, after all.

Cash in on Your Photos

Amateur-produced stock photos are a huge business. Last year iStockPhoto paid out $20.9 million in royalties to contributors. So selling your photos is indeed a possible way to make some extra, passive income, and there are a number of places where you can try to sell your pictures. We recently published a list of 15 such stock photo web sites, many of which give bonuses for exclusivity.

Flip a Website

Buying and selling web sites has also become big business, and unlike the house flipping market, the bottom hasn’t fallen out of the web site market. SitePoint’s Marketplace has grown into the web’s number one place to buy and sell web sites, and many people make a living doing just that.

Help People Search

If you’re good at finding things on the Internet, then you can make a few extra bucks helping people locate the information they need. Web search site ChaCha employs an army of search guides that help people do web searches. You won’t make big bucks doing it, but it’s not a bad way to make some spare change in your down time.

Sell Your Writing

Finding a full-time job as a writer isn’t easy (trust me, I should know!), but selling your freelance writing (and audio, video, and images) has never been easier thanks to Associated Content. AC is a network of content producers that allows anyone to submit content and be paid for it when it is distributed to their partner sites. The site says it has paid out over $1 million to content producers.

Name a Product

Even if you’re not a designer, you can still get in on the crowdsourcing action. NameThis is a contest site similar to 99designs, but rather than competing for design projects, users compete to come up with names for new products and services. If you fancy yourself a clever wordsmith, there is money to be earned at NameThis.

Design a T-Shirt

On the other hand, if you’re a design star, you may want to try your luck at t-shirt design for Threadless. Winning designs get $2,000 in cash, and $500 worth of free t-shirts, plus all the prestige that goes along with being a Threadless winner. Non-designers can submit slogans for a shot at a $500 cash prize.

Do Odd Jobs

Amazon Mechanical Turk is a people-power API from Amazon that lets companies easily outsource tasks to humans. These tasks are often mundane, and don’t pay much on their own, but they can be a good way to make extra cash just by doing things like reviewing restaurants, evaluating search results, and rating videos.

Shill Products on Your Blog

Have a blog? If you want to make a little extra cash, PayPerPost offers a way to write sponsored blog posts about products and services for money. There are some ethical ramifications here, so we’d advise that you always clearly disclose when a post is paid and avoid jobs that require a positive review.

Managing Your money

Managing money may seem like a distant dream. It’s something we want to do someday—when we have more money and more time. But we all need to manage our money so we can reach the goals and dreams we've set for ourselves.

While the idea of money management may seem difficult, it's really not. It's simply one more skill to be learned, just like we learned to write, read or perhaps drive a car. Believe it or not, no one is born with the skills to be a good money manager, but everyone can learn them.

We often live day to day, allowing the demands of the present to swallow up our money and time. We watch the money—usually not enough—come in, and we watch it go out. We often feel we don't have any control over it, so why should we worry about trying to manage it?

Because managing your money can help reduce the stress in your life. It can help give you a plan to take care of unexpected events and expenses.

Most importantly, managing your money can help you meet the goals you've set and create the life you deserve.

In this section, we’ll suggest ways to help you live within your means and manage debt so it doesn’t manage you. We’ll also show you how to develop a spending plan that will help you reach your goals. In addition, we’ll cover why banks and credit unions are a great choice for your money, show you how to manage expenses if you have children, and other tips on deductions you may be able to take on your taxes.

Manage your money well

Make sure you're in charge of your money, or your money could end up running you.
Managing your money is an essential life skill, and once you know what you're doing, it really isn't so difficult. Once you've left home, the only person responsible for your financial health is you, so it's good to know the essentials.


The most important thing is avoiding unmanageable or crippling debts. That means steering clear of credit cards, store cards, or loans that you don't really need. By borrowing in this way you will be charged very high interest and your debt could easily spiral out of control.
Before you start saving, spending, or investing, pay off those debts. You will lose more money on high interest payments than you're ever likely to make with most savings and investments. You'll be better off in the long run if you work harder at ditching the debt.

Emergency money

Once your debts are paid off, start saving for a rainy day. You really never know when you're going to have an emergency or need a cash cushion. An unexpected pregnancy, a job loss, essential household repairs, or a new interview suit can be made less of a worry by keeping some cash to one side. Keep it in an instant or easy access account, and check from time to time that you're getting a competitive rate of interest on it. Check and for the best deals. Ideally, if you're working, have enough money saved to cover three to six months of basic living costs. If that's unrealistic, just save whatever you can, even if it's only a pound here and there. Anyone who is on a very tight budget, such as living on benefits, should concentrate on breaking even, and avoiding debt wherever possible.
"Before you start saving, spending, or investing, pay off those debts."

Basic savings and investments

Once the debts are paid off and you have some emergency money saved, think about some of the less risky ways to save and invest. Although you will be hard pressed to find a savings account paying high interest these days, better rates are offered on accounts where access to your money is restricted. Boost your savings by taking out a Cash ISA. They work like a savings account, but your deposits won't be taxed. And don't forget pensions. It's never too early to start saving for your retirement and Stakeholder Pensions are a good option if you don't have a pension arrangement at work.

Taking more of a risk

This is only for people who have a stable financial foundation first! With riskier investments, you might make more money, but you also run the risk of losing the lot. This includes unit trusts, investment trusts and shares in single companies. Don't be greedy and get sucked in by offers of high returns, always read around the subject and do your own research before committing to a purchase.
If you're still not sure what you should be spending your money on and how much you have left at the end of the month, try out the FSA's budget calculator.

To avoid getting into debt in the first place follow these simple rules:

  • Make sure you know where your money is going - keep a note of all your incomings and spending. This will help you decide where you can cut back if you're living beyond your means.
  • Keep some money tucked away - just in case.
  • Be realistic about what you can afford - if you're having trouble paying your phone bill it's probably not a good idea to fork out £800 for a high-definition TV.
  • Pay for everything outright if you can - it might seem like a money-saver if you pay for something over a five-year period, but if the APR is at an astronomical rate you could end up paying double the price.
  • Use standing orders to pay for your regular bills - this will allow you to arrange a specific date for the companies to take the money out of your account, i.e. payday.

What's the point of a budget?

A budget done correctly is the most precise tool for analysing your finances imaginable. It answers two key questions...
  1. Do I spend more than I earn?
    An instinctive assessment is easy - if you're eating up your savings or building up debts you're likely to be overspending. Yet before you can solve this it's important to get an accurate idea of the size and scale of the problem.
    This is nothing new, after all Dickens' Mr Micawber laid out the principle pretty well in the 19th century:
    "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness
    Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds six, result misery."
    Major overspending can lead to a debt spiral and severe problems, that's why the Budget Planners are all designed to definitively answer this problem and give you a real assessment of your finances.
  2. What can I afford to spend?
    Once you know where you're spending, you can start to alter and prioritise what you do with your money to enable you to stick within your means.
    While the budget planners include tools to enable you to work out how to prioritise within your means, the real difficulty is sticking to it; yet the Piggybank Technique is designed to do just that.

What's different about this budgeting technique?

It's oft said "In debt? Do a budget!", "Skint? Draw up a budget!", "Wife run off with the milkman? BUDGET!" Yet while budgetting is seen as a panacea, unfortunately most budgets are bunkum.
The main problem is that because they concentrate on a typical month, they massively underestimate your real spend, as this misses huge costs such as Christmas, summer holidays, new sofas or even changing car every five years.
Broad categories like "motoring" make it too easy to forget the small expenditures that add up. Instead it needs be MOTs, new tyres, petrol, insurance, breakdown cover and more, hopefully the budget planners counter that by having nearly 100 separate categories.

How To Become Rich

How to become rich? Better yet, how to become rich FAST?
Do you want to become rich for your family, to have money for everything you need, everything you want? Do you want to become rich so you can travel the world and have a life you’ve always dreamed about?
If you want to become rich fast, come to the Live Events — meet self-made millionaires, learn how to follow in their footsteps and become rich like them.
The fastest way to success is to copy somebody who’s already done it.
Is there anything more important in your life than knowing how to make your dreams come true? You don’t want to spend your life working just to pay bills. You want to live and enjoy all that life has to offer! You want to become rich, and you CAN become rich.

Don’t wait for someone else to make you rich – it’s not going to happen.
If you want to become rich fast – commit to yourself to making changes in your life NOW.
Learn how to become rich from real live self-made millionaires, ordinary people who once were just like you. Come to our Wealth Creation Live Events and your life will never be the same again. Make changes in your life now!

10 golden rules to become rich!

Once you decide to put your money to work to build long-term wealth, you have to decide, not whether to take risk, but what kind of risk you wish to take. Here are 10 investing rules that can make you rich:
1. There's no escaping risk
Once you decide to put your money to work to build long-term wealth, you have to decide, not whether to take risk, but what kind of risk you wish to take.
Yes, money in a savings account is dollar-safe, but those safe dollars are apt to be substantially eroded by inflation, a risk that almost guarantees you will fail to reach your wealth goals.
And yes, money in the stock market is very risky over the short-term, but, if well-diversified, should provide remarkable growth with a high degree of consistency over the long term.

2. Buy right and hold tight
The most critical decision you face is arriving at the proper allocation of assets in your investment portfolio -- stocks for growth of capital and growth of income, bonds for conservation of capital and current income.
Once you get your balance right, then just hold tight, no matter how high a greedy stock market flies, nor how low a frightened market plunges. Change the allocation only as your investment profile changes. Begin by considering a 50/50 stock/bond-cash balance, then raise the stock allocation if:
  • You have many years remaining to accumulate wealth.
  • The amount of capital you have at stake is modest.
  • You don't have much need for current income from your investments.
  • You have the courage to ride out the stock market booms and busts with reasonable equanimity.
As these factors are reversed, reduce the 50 per cent stock allocation accordingly.

3. Time is your friend, impulse your enemy
Think long term, and don't allow transitory changes in stock prices to alter your investment program. There is a lot of noise in the daily volatility of the stock market, which too often is 'a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing'.
Stocks may remain overvalued, or undervalued, for years. Realize that one of the greatest sins of investing is to be captured by the siren song of the market, luring you into buying stocks when they are soaring and selling when they are plunging.
Impulse is your enemy. Why? Because market timing is impossible. Even if you turn out to be right when you sold stocks just before a decline (a rare occurrence!), where on earth would you ever get the insight that tells you the right time to get back in? One correct decision is tough enough. Two correct decisions are nigh on impossible.
Time is your friend. If, over the next 25 years, stocks produce a 10% return and a savings account produces a 5% return, $10,000 would grow to $108,000 in stocks vs. $34,000 in savings. (After 3% inflation, $54,000 vs $16,000). Give yourself all the time you can.

4. Realistic expectations: the bagel and the doughnut
These two different kinds of baked goods symbolize the two distinctively different elements of stock market returns.
It is hardly farfetched to consider that investment return -- dividend yields and earnings growth -- is the bagel of the stock market, for the investment return on stocks reflects their underlying character: nutritious, crusty and hard-boiled.
By the same token, speculative return -- wrought by any change in the price that investors are willing to pay for each dollar of earnings -- is the spongy doughnut of the market, reflecting changing public opinion about stock valuations, from the soft sweetness of optimism to the acid sourness of pessimism.
The substantive bagel-like economics of investing are almost inevitably productive, but the flaky, doughnut-like emotions of investors are anything but steady -- sometimes productive, sometimes counterproductive.
In the long run, it is investment return that rules the day. In the past 40 years, the speculative return on US stocks has been zero, with the annual investment return of 11.2% precisely equal to the stock market's total return of 11.2% per year.
But in the first 20 of those years, investors were sour on the economy's prospects, and a tumbling price-earnings ratio provided a speculative return of minus 4.6% per year, reducing the nutritious annual investment return of 12.1% to a market return of just 7.5%. From 1981 to 2001, however, the outlook sweetened, and a soaring P/E ratio produced a sugary 5% speculative boost to the investment return of 10.3%.
Result: The market return leaped to 15.3% -- double the return of the prior two decades.
The lesson: Enjoy the bagel's healthy nutrients, and don't count on the doughnut's sweetness to enhance them.

5. Why look for the needle in the haystack? Buy the haystack!
Experience confirms that buying the right stocks, betting on the right investment style, and picking the right money manager -- in each case, in advance -- is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Investing in equities entails four risks: stock risk, style risk, manager risk, and market risk. The first three of these risks can easily be eliminated, simply by owning the entire stock market -- owning the haystack, as it were -- and holding it forever.
Owning the entire stock market is the ultimate diversifier. If you can't find the needle, buy the haystack.

6. Minimize the croupier's take
The resemblance of the stock market to the casino is not far-fetched. Yes, the stock market is a positive-sum game and the gambling casino is a zero-sum game . . . but only before the costs of playing each game are deducted. After the heavy costs of financial intermediaries (commissions, management fees, taxes, etc.) are deducted, beating the stock market is inevitably a loser's game. Just as, after the croupiers' wide rake descends, beating the casino is inevitably a loser's game. All investors as a group must earn the market's return before costs, and lose to the market after costs, and by the exact amount of those costs.
Your greatest chance of earning the market's return, therefore, is to reduce the croupiers' take to the bare-bones minimum. When you read about stock market returns, realize that the financial markets are not for sale, except at a high price.
The difference is crucial. If the market's return is 10% before costs, and intermediation costs are approximately 2%, then investors earn 8%. Compounded over 50 years, 8% takes $10,000 to $469,000. But at 10%, the final value leaps to $1,170,000 -- nearly three times as much . . . just by eliminating the croupier's take.

7. Beware of fighting the last war
Too many investors -- individuals and institutions alike -- are constantly making investment decisions based on the lessons of the recent, or even the extended, past. They seek technology stocks after they have emerged victorious from the last war; they worry about inflation after it becomes the accepted bogeyman, they buy bonds after the stock market has plunged.
You should not ignore the past, but neither should you assume that a particular cyclical trend will last forever. None does. Just because some investors insist on 'fighting the last war,' you don't need to do so yourself. It doesn't work for very long.

8. Sir Isaac Newton's revenge on Wall Street -- return to the mean
Through all history, investments have been subject to a sort of law of gravity: What goes up must go down, and, oddly enough, what goes down must go up. Not always of course (companies that die rarely live again), and not necessarily in the absolute sense, but relative to the overall market norm.
For example, stock market returns that substantially exceed the investment returns generated by earnings and dividends during one period tend to revert and fall well short of that norm during the next period. Like a pendulum, stock prices swing far above their underlying values, only to swing back to fair value and then far below it.
Another example: From the start of 1997 through March 2000, Nasdaq stocks (+230%) soared past NYSE-listed stocks (+20%), only to come to a screeching halt. During the subsequent year, Nasdaq stocks lost 67% of their value, while NYSE stocks lost just 7%, reverting to the original market value relationship (about one to five) between the so-called 'new economy' and the 'old economy.'
Reversion to the mean is found everywhere in the financial jungle, for the mean is a powerful magnet that, in the long run, finally draws everything back to it.

9. The hedgehog bests the fox
The Greek philosopher Archilochus tells us, 'The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one great thing.' The fox -- artful, sly, and astute -- represents the financial institution that knows many things about complex markets and sophisticated marketing.
The hedgehog -- whose sharp spines give it almost impregnable armour when it curls into a ball -- is the financial institution that knows only one great thing: long-term investment success is based on simplicity.
The wily foxes of the financial world justify their existence by propagating the notion that an investor can survive only with the benefit of their artful knowledge and expertise. Such assistance, alas, does not come cheap, and the costs it entails tend to consume more value-added performance than even the most cunning of foxes can provide.
Result: The annual returns earned for investors by financial intermediaries such as mutual funds have averaged less than 80% of the stock market's annual return.
The hedgehog, on the other hand, knows that the truly great investment strategy succeeds, not because of its complexity or cleverness, but because of its simplicity and low cost. The hedgehog diversifies broadly, buys and holds, and keeps expenses to the bare-bones minimum.
The ultimate hedgehog: The all-market index fund, operated at minimal cost and with minimal portfolio turnover, virtually guarantees nearly 100% of the market's return to the investor.
In the field of investment management, foxes come and go, but hedgehogs are forever.
10. Stay the course: the secret of investing is that there is no secret
When you consider these previous nine rules, realize that they are about neither magic and legerdemain, nor about forecasting the unforecastable, nor about betting at long and ultimately unsurmountable odds, nor about learning some great secret of successful investing.
In fact, there is no great secret, only the majesty of simplicity. These rules are about elementary arithmetic, about fundamental and unarguable principles, and about that most uncommon of all attributes, common sense.
Owning the entire stock market through an index fund -- all the while balancing your portfolio with an appropriate allocation to an all bond market index fund -- with its cost-efficiency, its tax-efficiency, and its assurance of earning for you the market's return, is by definition a winning strategy.
But if only you follow one final rule for successful investing, perhaps the most important principle of all investment wisdom: Stay the course!

How To Become Rich In 3 Months

When you really look at it, there are only a few legitimate ways to get rich. You would think there were thousands of ways, but these are all variations on a method. There is one way to get rich fairly rapidly, infact depending on what your interpretation of rich is, you could fulfill this goal in less than 90 days.
For many, rich is simply a few thousand dollars, for others it is no less than $1 million dollars and for some, the million dollar mark is not even a significant marker anymore. Well, it all comes down to ROR or "rate of return" Even somebody who may not consider $1 million dollars what it once was, may feel $50,000 to $100,000 in the space of 90 days, consider it quite a lot of money in such a fast time frame.
There are essentially, only a couple of ways to make that much money that quickly. The majority require luck as the major element for successfully achieving say $100,000 in 90 days. Logically, but there is one that does not require luck and if you could do that, then $1 million or more could easily be within grasp. So lets look ay the essential ways that you can become rich, most easily, quickly and fast.

1) Marry Money?
This has more to do with morals and ethics than luck or financial aptitude, but for some it would be a feasible path.

2) Hit the big time with a hit song or novel
A Harry potter like novel or the great love ballad that everyone wants to use for their wedding song could be an avenue for some. Talent may be a distinct advantage, but luck and fortune have an enourmous part to play, the world is full of talented broke people.

3) Start a business
Now we are getting closer to the realm of possible and feasible for the average person. Yet again, the landscape is littered with failed businesses. However there is a strong possibility to make a large sum of money very quickly starting a business providing you do one thing. That thing is uncover demand. If you can identify fat juicy demand that is not currently being serviced, you will easily and with great magnitude, prosper very nicely.

4) Win the lottery?

5) Invest
Think back to when you were a kid, (if you were a male child mostly) and you swapped base ball cards. Certain cards were valued more than others, yet they all cost the same when you got your pack from the local shoppping strip. Certain base ball names you could swap with your school mates quite easily for 5 or 10 lesser names. This is what I call intrinsic value. This same concept is used extensively by entrepreneurs and business people to compound seed capital. Can you become rich trading in value? And for the purpose of this article, can you make a lot of money very quickly investing in objects and extracting excesss intrinsic value? You bet. By using leverage your rate of returns are enourmous.
Not long ago I heard of a fellow who traded one red paperclip for a house. He started an online website and began with a simple paperclip, encouraging visitors to make him offers for the paperclip, it was finally swapped for another item and then another until he finally made it to the point where somebody swapped a house for his previous investment object which was a movie script role.
This same concept is done every day with money. It's officially called opportunity-investment. It took this fellow only a few months to get his house, and you can do the same whether you have a website or not!

Ten Types of Part-Time Job Options

There are Many Opportunities

A part-time job is generally considered to be one where a person works less than the standard 35 – 40 hour week and usually, but not always, does not provide benefits. A part-time job can be an extra job in addition to a person's regular work. It can also be used as a source of spending money or extra income for a high school or college student who is still supported by the parents, for a homemaker looking to bring in some additional income by working during the times the children are in school or a retiree looking for a way to keep active and augment a pension.

From an employer's perspective, part-time workers are a source of labor which can fill in odd time slots, help during peak production times and generally augment the work force. Since part-time workers generally do not receive benefits, it is often less expensive to hire part-time workers rather than full-time as the cost of providing benefits is increasing. An additional reason for hiring part-time help is an employer's inability to hire full time help. Unemployment is currently very low and, in some regions it is approaching zero which means that there isn't any pool from which to hire. In these cases employer's are forced to target students, retired people, homemakers and others who would like some additional income but do not or cannot work full time.

As with full-time career positions, the more education and experience one, has the greater the options for part-time work. For practically any full-time job position there is probably a part-time counterpart. However, let's take a look at the more common part-time jobs that the average person can expect to find.
1 Retail positions such as cashier, stocker, sales clerk, etc. Retail establishments are open twelve to eighteen hours per day with many being open round the clock. Different times of the day are busier than others so it makes sense to use part-time people to augment the full-time people during these times especially when these times don't come in eight-hour blocks. Business also fluctuates by season, by time of week or month (grocery stores have more business on weekends than during the week, stores in areas with large numbers of people receiving Social Security or welfare benefits will see more business at the beginning of the month when Social Security and welfare checks are mailed than during other parts of the month) so having part-time workers whose schedules can be changed weekly helps with scheduling to accommodate periods of fluctuating demand.

2 Positions in the fast food and restaurant industry such as cashiers, waiters/waitresses, bus boys, dishwashers, hamburger flippers, etc. Business for companies in this industry fluctuates according to time of day, day of week and monthly. Restaurants are very busy during meal times but tend to be slow between meals so there is no need to be fully staffed all day. Also, especially in the fast food industry, people looking to work in these establishments generally want part-time work as they are going to school, care for children when school is out or generally don't want full-time work. This makes this industry another good one for part-time work.

3 Bank tellers. Here again, there are certain times of the day and certain days of the week that are busier than other so staffing fluctuates. Some banks do hire full time tellers and have them work a split shift say 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for early morning and lunch hour business. Then leave and return to work from say, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the after work crowd. Many people don't like such a schedule, thereby making this type of work a logical candidate for part-time workers.

4 Car washes. This is basically pure physical labor with no future in terms of a career. The hours are attractive for young people in high school or college looking to make some money but not work full-time.

5 College work-study programs. These are generally make-work type positions funded by the Federal Department of Education as a type of college financial aid. The student has to qualify for financial aid but the criteria is more liberal than for Pell Grants (free money from the taxpayers) or Federally subsidized student loans. The work hours are limited to 19.5 hours per week maximum and are scheduled to accommodate student's class schedules. Work varies but is usually light office work in college departments.

6 Temporary staffing agencies. These are companies who provide workers (usually office clerical work or labor positions) to companies on a short-term basis (anywhere from one day to several months). The companies need people to cover for workers who are on vacation or sick leave or to fill a vacant position until a permanent replacement can be found. This is part-time work in the sense that the worker can usually specify times they are not available and can turn down assignments that don't fit their schedules. However, the work day itself is usually a normal 8 hour day.

7 Bookkeeper for small businesses. This is moving up the education/skill ladder somewhat and the job sometimes requires being in business for yourself. The possibilities here are to work part-time for an accounting firm keeping the books of small business clients. Be hired as a part-time employee of one or more small businesses to work a couple of days a month or so balancing their books. Or, start your own business as a freelance bookkeeper and limit the number of clients you take on to fit the part-time hours you want.

8 Substitute school teacher. Licensing and education requirements for regular public school teachers tend to be very restrictive, where as for substitute teachers one only needs a four year college degree (in some states the requirement may only be a two year degree). Experience and continuing education are generally not required, although finger printing and a criminal background check are often mandatory (and can delay your being hired by as much as a semester). Most school districts give teachers a set number of paid personal days to use as sick days or anything else which means that first, the schools will often call and schedule you two or three days in advance and, second, since the teachers usually have to take the days or lose them, there is a high demand for substitute teachers. The work day is usually four to seven hours and the pay, depending upon the state and district, can be as high as $100 or more per day. You can also usually decline specific assignments without being penalized.

9 College adjunct faculty. These are part-time college or technical school positions involving the teaching of a course for the term. For academic subjects an advanced (Masters or PhD) degree is required. For technical and vocational a degree may be required or the school may only require verifiable experience in the field being taught (usually five or more years). These positions are usually for the current term only with no guarantees for the next term (continued work usually depends upon enrollment in the course). With the increasing demand for on-line education, we can probably expect an increase in adjunct instructor positions.

10 Military reserves. This can be a part-time job in that, once you complete training (about 6 months or more full time duty in your branch of service unless you have previous military service in which case this is usually waived), the duty is normally one evening a week or one weekend a month and two weeks of active duty sometime during the year. Of course in time of war, such as now, your unit can be activated by the President and you will find yourself engaged full-time overseas. You can also be called to duty by the President for national emergencies (such as the current use of National Guard along the border to stem the tide of illegal immigration) or by the Governor for state emergencies (hurricanes, floods, riots, etc.). When called to active duty you receive regular pay and benefits according to your rank. For part-time reserve duty (the one evening a week or one weekend a month and the two weeks per year active duty training) you generally receive pay and benefits according to your rank for the two week duty and one day's pay according to rank for each four hour block of reserve duty. You also receive points toward a military pension.

How to Become Rich Fast

The Science of Getting Rich

So you're wondering how to become rich fast.  Below are some of the secrets to getting rich I have learned from both personal experience and reading on my own.  Once you break down your income making into the science of getting rich, you'll learn quickly how to explode your income.
First, you must get it through your head that making money and being rich are good things.  There are many people out there that have this misguided notion that money is evil or money is bad.  How in the world is money evil?  People are evil, money is not.  Stop thinking that money is a bad thing.  By thinking this way you send subconscious signals to yourself that you don't want to keep and retain money.  You may not believe it but check for yourself.  How are you wasting money?  Why aren't you doing X to earn more money?
Secondly, to earn more money and get rich, you have to open yourself up to make more money and accept it.  Why didn't you let your dad pay for dinner?  Why don't you ever give your own home business a try?  Why do you always take the 'aw shucks' route when someone tries to pay you for your services and turn it down?  This stuff is hurting you.  Increase your revenues to make money and accept the money when you get there instead of deflecting or deferring it.
Third, if you're going to figure out how to become rich fast, you absolutely must think bigger.  Think bigger and then do bigger.  For example, don't start a blog to make money and hope for $15 a month.  Instead, set your sites on a realistic but lofty expectation of $500/month or whatever the case may be.  People that think and act big, achieve big.  Another example is instead of accepting whatever your company offers you for a salary, negotiate a bigger salary.  What are you worth?  This is where it's time to start thinking big.
Fourth, don't laugh at the idea of becoming rich or accumulating wealth.  It might seem far off now but everyday people do become rich - not just athletes and heirs.  This means you can become rich.  Don't be afraid to let it be known that you are thinking large.  People might laugh at you or give you a 'yeah right' look but that's ok.  Don't buy into their disbelief.  You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will.
The last how to become rich fast tip of this article is it's ok to start small.  By small, this might mean that you only have $150 in the bank.  That's ok!  You just have to grow it.  Every dollar, every penny counts.  You can snowball wealth just like you can snowball debt.  Save your money instead of spending it on 'want' consumer products.  Find extra ways of earning money with odd jobs.  Increase the amount of money you already make.  Keep the cash flow coming in and reduce the amount going out. 
It works, I promise it works.  You can become rich and you can do it fast.  Be realistic but aspirational in your goals.  Make sure to set goals so you have something tangible to aim for and go for the gold. 
I can guarantee you no one will make you rich for you so remember your success is up to you.  The author of this hub is not rich yet but I can tell you that my online income has increased significantly every month for the last 5 months.  Check out my get rich quick online blog for more tips and advice on how to become rich.


How to Become Rich

First, a Little Perspective

While many people dream of becoming rich, most never achieve this dream.
Of course, rich is a relative term with regard to financial wealth, as the average poor or middle class person today enjoys luxuries unknown to the wealthy people of ages past.
As I pointed out in my Hub entitled Views of Food Then and Now, throughout history starvation and famine have been the major cause of death throughout history but in recent years, as a result of our rising wealth, food has become so abundant that obesity is rapidly becoming a leading cause of death.
Compared to the wealth of Bill Gates, the average American is poor. However, if we compare the creature comforts enjoyed by the same average American of today to those enjoyed by George Washington, the richest man ever to hold the office of President of the U.S., it is George Washington who comes up short.

Money Can't Guarantee Happiness - But Neither Can Poverty

The term rich can also be applied to the accumulation of other things besides financial wealth.
Things like good health, close relationships with family or friends, good health, a rewarding career, enjoyable hobbies, etc. can also make people feel rich and well off.
Being rich does not necessarily mean a person is happy. The story of King Midas is a classic tale wealth and unhappiness as is George Eliot's classic Silas Marner in which the hero, Silas, finds happiness only after losing his horde of gold and taking in and raising an orphaned child.
The term poor little rich girl is a further examle of a person being both rich and unhappy as it describes a person born to great wealth who is also alone and friendless in the world.
However, before carrying this philosophical discussion too far, let us remember that we live in the twenty-first century of today and not the eighteenth century of George Washington and we need more money to acquire the creature comforts that are available today.
As to happiness, while it is true that we cannot buy happiness with money, we should not forget author Leo Rosten's observation that, Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty.

The Old Fashioned Way of Working and Saving is the Best Method

There are a number of ways to become rich and here are a few of the more common ones:
1 Inherit a fortune – for the most part this is a matter of luck in that you either have to be born into a family with a rich relative who will leave you their fortune or you have to encounter and befriend a wealthy person who is childless and decides to leave you their fortune. Both of these are long shots.
2 Win the Lottery – this is every sucker's dream, but frankly, the odds of meeting and befriending a childless stranger are probably greater than winning any lotteries.
As for the lottery run by my state (Arizona, and probably every other lottery in the world), I had a mathematician demonstrate to me once that your chances of winning the lottery by purchasing a ticket are statistically only slightly (very slightly) greater than your chances of finding a winning ticket on the ground that someone else brought and lost.
3 Be born with a talent in great demand – This one also depends upon luck but you do have more control and greater chances with this than with numbers 1 and 2 above. Inventory your talents to see what you have and what the market wants – athletes, singers, entertainers are currently hot commodities.
Then work very hard at developing your talent and you just might make that fortune.
While it may look easy, when you take time to study the background of the beautiful millionaire model or the the athlete making millions throwing a football, you will find that an incredible amount of time and effort went into reaching their present position and the stress of their present fame is usually more than most of us want to have to endure.
4 Grab an Opportunity and Run With it – Get a good education in a hot area, such as IT, web design, nano technology, etc.
Work hard to become a leader in the field and keep watching over your shoulder for the next opportunity in the field. Then, when the opportunity presents itself, throw all of your time, energy, and every cent you can get your hands to to start a company to produce the product or service.
If you guessed correctly and the product or service is just what the public wants NOW you can either go public and make a fortune on the sale of some of your stock or sell it for billions to a company like Google (a la You Tube) or Yahoo.
Of course your plan could bomb and you could find yourself with nothing but a pile of bills or, worse, fail because you were too early and have to endure the pain of seeing someone else make a fortune with the same ideas a few years later when the market is right.
5 Be Old Fashioned, Work and Save – This route is open to practically everyone and the younger you are the better. It involves working hard and saving.
In their book, The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy, the typical American millionaire is described by authors Thomas Stanley and William Danko as a very ordinary person who has slowly and steadily accumulated wealth through work and savings.
Most of these millionaires live typical middle class lives with few outwardly displays of wealth. In fact the only thing that distinguishes them from their other middle class neighbors is the size of their bank accounts.
Most of these millionaires own their own business but they are traditional low tech businesses.
While their neighbors live off of credit and spend thousands each year on finance charges, these people save (earning interest) and pay with cash. Their homes are comfortable suburban tract homes, their cars are late model family type cars, their clothes are off the rack.
The author's point is that these people are no different than the vast middle class that makes up America other than they are more focused on their work and they save rather than borrow.
By middle age these people are usually very wealthy but their habits remain those of the middle class.
In fact when Stanley and Danko were writing their book they held a series of focus group sessions in fine hotels and invited people whose financial status put them in the millionaire class, and asked them to describe their lifestyle and how they made their fortunes.
In the room where the focus group was held they arranged for a table of free drinks and snacks that included fine wines, expensive mixed drinks, caviar and other expensive appetizers. For variety they also included some beer and traditional appetizers.
What surprised Stanley and Danko was that the beer and traditional appetizers disappeared fast while the wines and caviar type food and drink went untouched. The work and saving are habits that are developed and cultivated over a life time.
6 Retire a Millionaire – for a young person this is probably the easiest road to wealth, but they have to wait for it.
Simply open a Roth IRA account with a good Mutual Fund or other investment company when you get your first job at 16 or 17 (or later, but the longer you wait the less time you will have for the money to grow).
Arrange for your paycheck to be deposited to you checking account automatically and, at the same time, arrange for the mutual fund or investment company to automatically withdraw a fixed amount from your checking account each month, say $25, $40, $75 whatever you can afford. It may hurt for the first couple of months but then you will get used to living off of the lower amount (your take home pay minus the IRA deposit) and forget about it.
In time your income will go up and you can either leave your IRA withdrawal the same or increase it by part of the raise. Over the course of the next 40 – 50 years, the reinvested income from your deposits will grow to many times the amount that you are investing and when you retire you will not only have accumulated close to a million dollars or more but, after age 59 ½ you will be able to withdraw it tax free.

Thursday 24 March 2011



許多強暴犯認為,具有“被害者”的第一個特質,是她們的髮型。 他們最喜歡跟在綁馬尾,有髮髻或綁辮子的女性身後,或是其他可以輕易抓住的髮型。他們也喜歡跟住長髮女性,短髮的女性較不容易成為目標。

強暴犯考慮的第二件事是衣著,他們會找尋穿著可迅速脫去的女性。 他們認為,最好的穿著是一件式的罩衫如洋裝、連身裙,因為許多強暴犯會隨身攜帶剪刀,來剪開衣服。












8.身為女性,我們總是發揮同情心:不要再這樣!這樣會增加被強暴或是殺害的機會。一個叫泰得‧邦迪(Ted Bundy)的連續殺人犯就是一個相貌堂堂並且受過良好教育的人,總是利用女性的同情心。他走路時帶一根手杖或是跛行,經常要求別人幫忙他進入車內或是看一下他的車子,趁機綁架受害者。


一般人常把強暴想像成:男人因慾火中燒、受到誘惑、見色起意,而在無預謀、惱羞成怒下,強施加於陌生女子的暴力行為。 然而,許多研究報告指出,強暴最常見的動機卻是:“發泄對社會不滿” 或“藉性交肯定自己的價值”。 換言之,男人之所以會去強暴女人,並不是在發泄性慾,而是根源於整個社會男人對女人潛在意識的敵意、或因為這個男人心理上的病態,所以用陽具去凌辱女人。 他的目的並不是在尋求性的快樂,而是因為基於對人性的仇恨, 所表達的是他的憤怒,而不是在作愛

一對一的強暴案中,有70%出於預謀。 在二對一的強暴案中,有80%出於預謀。 在多對一的強暴案中,有90%出於預謀。

一般而言,強暴案的發生,犯案者是在以下兩個因素交互作用下而促成的。 遠因:強暴犯過去的經驗與人格特質。 近因:當時情境與身心狀態。 以當時情境而言,強暴犯大都只是想以強欺弱,而並不在乎受害人的姿色。此外落單、年老、患有精神病、殘障、不敢抵抗等情境,常令犯人犯意更堅。 根據美國的某份調查,強暴案件裡可以歸納成是女人的外表或言行而引發性暴力者,低於百分之五。另一個調查指出,超過70%的強暴案例都是預謀的。然而這些調查數據,卻也無法一下子就扭轉社會對女人的觀感。

約有80%~90%的強暴案例中,犯人與受害人是互相認識的熟人。 女孩子與異性交往,連熟人也必須提防,這的確是一個“熟悉的致命吸引力”。全美國大學女學生六分之一有過被性騷擾、侵犯的記錄;十五分之一的男同學,曾經有騷擾女同學的經驗。 根據一項研究顯示,在熟人強暴的控訴案件中,有百分之二十四被警方認為證據不足,而在陌生人強暴的控訴中只有百分之五遭到相同的命運。

並非必然。強暴犯大都是只想以強欺弱,不敢抵抗。有時反抗反使犯人犯意更堅,但這不表示激烈反抗一定對。例如在某些強暴未遂案中,受害人虛與委蛇、假意配合,將強暴犯騙到賓館等地逃逸成功。 賽凡提斯在《唐吉軻德先生》舉例道:有人控告某青年強暴他女兒。法官對被告說:“你立刻與原告的女兒結婚,否則就得賠她一筆遮羞費。” 青年選擇了破財消災。 原告的女兒帶遮羞費離開後,法官叫青年追上去搶回那筆錢,青年照辦 ,但在對方拼命抵抗下無法得手。 法官召回青年與女子,吩咐女子將遮羞費還給青年,說:“如果你抗拒強暴,正如同抗拒被搶一樣,就不會喪失貞操了。”
